Therapy for Perfectionism Illinois and Wisconsin

You have high standards, and work hard to be your best.

If it’s not right, not the best, or not perfect, you’ll keep powering through until it is. Or, you’ll have a hard time even getting started, because if it’s not going to be perfect, then why bother? Bottom Line: It feels like failure is just not an option.

Deep down you believe that your perfectionism is key to what sets you apart, that it’s the reason you’ve accomplished all that you have. But lately you’ve started to wonder if it might be getting in your way. What used to feel like a drive for excellence now feels like a road to nowhere.

Your “to do” list is longer than your arm, and you’re overwhelmed by all that you need to get done.

When people tell you to prioritize, it seems impossible because everything feels like high stakes. The thought of disappointing others is unbearable, and getting negative feedback leaves you feeling wrecked for days. You procrastinate on projects and then fall behind. When you do finally get started, you spin your wheels and then spend twice as much time on something that should have been quick and easy. Your inner critic is a relentless taskmaster, criticizing your every move, and reminding you all the time that no matter how hard you work…it’s never good enough.

Then, after all the hard work, instead of feeling satisfied, you’re still anxious, angry, depressed, or depleted.

I get it, because I’ve been there.

I know what it feels like to push yourself - through the exhaustion, the overwhelm, even the tears - to do all the things, or to meet all the expectations - - and to lose yourself along the way.

I help exhausted high-achievers learn how to take off the mask of perfectionism to uncover self-acceptance, resilience, and a more balanced approach to life.

7 Signs That Perfectionism May Be Holding You Back

  • You set expectations for yourself that are extremely high and often unattainable.

  • Your fear of making mistakes or falling short of your goals leads to procrastination, avoidance, or total paralysis.

  • You have a hard time finishing things when they don’t measure up to your expectations.

  • You focus so much on getting every detail perfect that you often miss the bigger picture.

  • You’re your own worst critic, and you often end up feeling inadequate, anxious, or depressed.

  • You have a hard time accepting constructive criticism about your work.

  • All-or-nothing thinking keeps you locked into narrow and inflexible definitions of success.

Shift those mindsets that keep you on that hamster wheel.

Are you ready to stop running? Are you ready to step off the endless wheel of doing and striving? Let’s discover new ways for you to engage. Let’s access your deepest wisdom. Let’s learn how to listen to the messages. Let’s get you on the path to living the life you truly want to be living.

Are you ready to live with fewer demands and greater ease?

Reach out now to schedule a 15-minute telephone consultation.