Therapy for Work Life and Career in Illinois and Wisconsin

Forest path

Over the course of your working life you could change jobs an average of 12 times or more and experience several different careers before you retire. Unlike your parents or grandparents, who may have worked for decades in the same job or career, the new reality is that your career life is more likely to be an adventure of ups and downs and twists and turns than a linear path to a single destination. Whether you’re struggling to choose, change, or leave a job or a career, I can provide the support, insight, and tools, to help you understand your “why,” identify your “what,” and implement your “how.”

Common Reasons for Career Transition

Career transitions may come by choice or by circumstance. Common reasons to undertake a change include:

  • Downshifting,

  • Parenting,

  • Health/Illness,

  • Divorce or Ending a Relationship,

  • Retirement.

  • Career Dissatisfaction,

  • Change of Priorities or Interests,

  • Adjusting Work-Life Balance,

  • Financial Changes,

  • Relocation,

Change is Hard

Whether you’re leaving a job you used to love, a career you’ve invested years in building, or bumbling along looking for a direction, making a change can be really tough. It requires honest self-reflection, careful planning, courage, and perseverance. Whether you’re just starting out in your career, downshifting towards retirement, or somewhere in-between, choosing or changing course can bring up strong emotions and deeply held beliefs that can operate to keep you stuck and in pain.

How I Help

If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, grief, or shame around career change, I can help you move past limiting beliefs and get moving in the direction of your goals and dreams. Together we will explore your values and goals, discover what motivates you, develop existing strengths and build new resources, create a doable plan, and help you implement it with focused action.

Ready to move forward?

Reach out now to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.